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The Journey Begins

1. Both novels have two words in the title, each of the two words starting with the same letters, “K” and “D” (Keller’s Den -- Duma Key). This appears to be a cryptic tribute and the opening act that starts a self-indulgent voyage into celebrity entitlement.


2. Both book covers (shown in original book covers) have a similar looking unframed canvas with 8 staples along the sides.


3. The main characters in both novels (Martin Keller and Edgar Freeman) gain a mysterious and rapid ability to paint beyond their natural ability which is influenced by a mysterious curse that is centuries old.

Keller's Den

Chapter 3, 5, and 7 are the main chapters that provide indication of Martin’s mysterious and rapid increased ability to paint.

Duma Key

Edgar’s mysterious and rapid ability to paint are demonstrated in the following excerpts:


“In the last thirty years, my contribution to the world of art had consisted of little more than doodles while taking telephone calls (page 17).”

“I went downstairs, took up one of my sketch-pads, and found myself reduced to the sort of doodles I’d done in my other life while taking phone calls (page 197).


“Last year at this time I was doodling on phone pads while I was on hold (page 292).”


Dr. Kamen stated, “I am stunned by the rapidity of your growth as an artist (page 106).”


“I don’t know anything about art. I don’t know how I grew (page 275).”


Edgar progressed from drawing to oil paints and brushes (pages 241, 252, 256, etc).


“My new found talent (page 475).”


Also, it is mentioned that Elizabeth, the old mysterious lady was an artist. Her rapid advancement is noted on pages 209, 427. Also, “Daddy was amazed by the rapidly growing sophistication of her pictures (page 151).”

4. The main characters in each novel are controlled by a cryptic force, which sometimes determines what they will paint. This painting phenomenon is unique to Keller’s Den and Duma Key. Also, both characters feel strong urges to draw or paint.

Keller's Den

Chapters 3, 5, 7, 42 and 50 provide indication that something beyond Martin’s comprehension controls his paintings and his desires to paint.


“He wasn’t worried about what he would paint. That would be decided by a force on a different plane (page 245).”

Duma Key

“All at once I wanted to draw (page 67).”


Pages 67, 68, 69 and 71 indicate that Edgar Intended to sketch his daughter, Ilse, but found his efforts being altered, and sketched Carson Jones, Ilse’s fiancée, without having any prior knowledge of Carson Jones. “I meant to draw Ilse” (page 67). Edgar also painted the word Zales pages 68, 69), indicating an engagement ring without having known about the engagement or the ring, which transpired without Edgar’s knowledge.


Edgar’s daughter asked, “Why did you put a rocking horse into the picture (page 75)?” Edgar replied, “I don’t know. It just wanted to be there.”


When Ilse asked if Edgar was drawing from memory, Edgar replied, “No, I can’t seem to do that (page 75).”


“I also felt a strong desire to draw. I didn’t know what, but I would know when I was sitting in Little Pink with one of my pads propped on my easel (page 84).”


“When did you draw it?” Ilse asked of Edgar. Since Edgar didn’t know he replied “while you were sleeping . . . by the time I was finished I felt better.” Then Edgar’s thoughts were -- although I remembered very little about making the drawing. I remembered enough to know the story was a lie (pages 88, 89).


“I saw what I’d drawn while in my dazed pre-nap state (page 88).”


“As with the picture I called The End of the Game, I don’t remember much about the actual creation of Friends with Benefits (page 110).”


Page 203 indicates that the pen that Edgar used to sketch with was in control of what was being drawn. This parallels chapter 50 in Keller’s Den, when the painting brush was in control of what was being painted.


“I was thinking of how I’d started my time on Duma Key and with one assumption – that I had chosen the place – and had since come to believe that maybe it had chosen me (page 248).”


“The picture seemed to demand it – or my missing arm (page 253).”


“What they were looking at had come from a place beyond talent (page 254).”


“What got into you? What possessed you (page 257)?”


Referring to paintings, “I could feel their live presence in this room (page 267).”


“I don’t remember when it stopped being me that was doing the painting (page 279).”


“How do I talk about a process (painting) that’s partially supernatural (page 301)?”


Edgar conveys his sentiments that suggests something let him live from his accident just so he could paint (page 364).


“We may as well call it what it is: magic (page 507).”

5. The paintings themselves are a focal point in both novels that become a gateway and a sense of connection for evil (implied in Keller’s Den during paintings and mentioned on pages 227, 228). In Duma Key – see examples above in #3.

6. In Keller’s Den, the hypnotic state “controlled him like the talons of an eagle wrapped around a harmless garter snake (page 21).” In Duma Key, “I was like a bird hypnotized by a snake (page 447).”

7. In a couple of painting incidents, the pen or the brush took control (Keller’s Den, chapters 50, 51 – Duma Key, page 440 and page 443 indicates that Edgar’s hand took over. Edgar’s hand drew “dassn’t stop” (page 556), again indicating something controlled Edgar when he painted.

8. Both main characters look at a blank canvas, waiting for the impulse, or the calling to determine what they will paint (Keller’s Den, page 212 – Duma Key, page 438).

9. Both main characters feel ravenous or felt a hunger while painting (Keller’s Den, page 14 – Duma Key, page 69).

10. In reference to the main character being unaware of their surroundings while they paint, both of the novels use the same excerpt:

Keller's Den

“As Martin skillfully painted a lone diver, he drifted into an unknown world around him, not aware that smoke from his burning pizza was spreading, filling the kitchen and working its way into the adjacent rooms.” The following excerpt is when Janet arrives at Martin’s house. “Inside, she waved her arms through the swelling smoke . . . through the lingering smoke she worked her way to the hallway where the smoke alarm was blasting a warning (page 222).”

Duma Key

“If the smoke detectors would have gone off downstairs announcing a fire, I would have paid no attention (page 110).”

11. In Keller’s Den, Martin painted for hobby and not for monetary gain (pages 11). In Duma Key, Elizabeth (mysterious old lady) tells Edgar he should painting for art’s sake and not for money (pages 143, 180, 181, 190).


12. Both novels convey an eerie feeling that the drawing/painting room exuded, causing each main character to convey the same thoughts (Keller’s Den, page 40, “he suddenly wanted to leave the den” -- Duma Key, page 108, “suddenly I didn’t want to be here”).


13. Horses were painted or drawn in both novels (Keller’s Den, chapter 1, 3, 5, 7 – Duma Key, Elizabeth drew horses (page 151, 399, 402, 428). Edgar drew a rocking horse (page 75).


14. Because of evil implications, paintings in both novels that were once purchased/owned by consumers or secondary characters were to be confiscated and burned (Keller’s Den, page 211 -- Duma Key, page 453, 456, 457, 458, 466, 475, 482, 484, 552).


15. Due to the evil influence associated with the paintings, one person dies of asphyxiation in Duma Key (pages 243, 245 ) and one person nearly dies of asphyxiation in Keller’s Den (pages 222-224).


16. The paintings in both novels reveal a mysterious part of the main character’s life, past or present, something that the main character wasn’t aware existed:

Keller's Den

Martin paints horses that were involved in genocide incidents that he never knew existed, and Frank Keller who was a sergeant in the Civil War, whom he had never heard of (chapters 3, 5, 7, and page 143).


Martin painted his fiancée with Jack Keller, his grand-father, whom he also had never met or seen before (page 58).


Martin paints an ocean scene regarding an earlier ancestor (Dane Keller) whom he had never had any knowledge (pages 225, 226).


Martin paints Savov Keller, the ancestor who was responsible for the novel’s premise, whom he had never had any knowledge (page 249).

Duma Key

Edgar draws his ex-wife and two men who had an affair with his wife. Edgar wasn’t aware of this was going on until he drew it (pages 110, 111, 112).


Edgar drew his daughter, Ilse and her fiancée and was unaware she had a fiancée until he drew him (pages 67, 68, 69).


Edgar painted his daughter in a dress that she had actually purchased without Edgar’s knowledge (page 380).


Edgar painted girls in a series of paintings, unaware of who the girls were while he was painting them (388).


Edgar painted Mrs. Eastlake’s sister’s rocking horse without knowing anything of its existence (page 390).


Edgar painted Mrs. Eastlake’s sister without having met or seen her (page 390).


Edgar paints Mrs. Eastlake’s red picnic basket without having ever seen it (page 424). Both novels reference a primitive drawing or painting (Keller’s Den, page 73 -- Duma Key, page 556).

17. Subconsciously, both main characters painted or drew the following details within the same piece of work:

In Keller’s Den, Martin painted his fiancée (Janet) in the nude (page 58).

In Duma Key, Edgar drew his ex-wife (Pam) in the nude (page 110).


In Keller’s Den, Martin painted a nude man within the painting (page 58).

In Duma Key, Edgar drew two nude men within the painting (page 110).


In Keller’s Den, Janet’s head was cocked (page 58).

In Duma Key, Pam’s head was slightly bent (page 111).


In Keller’s Den, the man was grinning (page 58).

In Duma Key, the man was smiling (page 111).

18. Some of their work is done while their eyes are shut like in a hypnotic state of mind (Keller’s Den, pages 26, 27 – Duma Key page 67, “I was painting blindfold”page 279).


19. Both novels refer to the main character’s masterpiece (Keller’s Den, page 13 – Duma Key, page 165).


20. Both main characters murmur to themselves while painting (Keller’s Den, page 32, 33, – Duma Key, page 440).


21. Secondary characters in each novel own a sketch pad with numerous drawings (Keller’s Den, page 144 -- Duma Key, page 440).


22. In Keller’s Den, Martin puts his paintings on the wall of fame (page 13). In Duma Key, Edgar puts his drawings on the north wall (page 161).


23. In addition to the main character’s painting similarities, secondary characters gain a mysterious and rapid ability to sketch or paint. Joe Keller (Martin’s father), gains an ability to sketch well through the same external forces that influenced Martin (pages 142, 143, 144). Incidentally, Edgar starts out as a sketcher and progresses to a painter. Elizabeth Eastlake also gains the rapid ability to sketch/draw (pages, 139, 332, 402). She eventually progresses to painting (page 442).


24. Initials from each main character were signed while under a spiritual influence (Keller’s Den, page 40 – Duma Key, page 290)


25. Both main characters perspire when painting (Keller’s Den, page 20 – Duma Key, page 240).


26. Both main characters experienced irregular breathing when painting (Keller’s Den, page 27 – Duma Key, page 240).


27. In one painting Martin painted two new faces over a recent painting (page 58). In one painting Edgar left out a face (pages 243).


28. Nature paintings are in each novel (Keller’s Den, chapter 1, 3, 5, 42 – Duma Key, page 73). Edgar paints several sunset sceneries (page 57), which is prominent in two of Martin’s paintings (pages 31, 213).


29. A smudge or blotch is mentioned in both novels (Keller’s Den, page 19 – Duma Key, pages 74, 75 (preservation of colors 174).


30. The first mention of a specific color while painting or drawing is yellow (Keller’s Den used Indian Yellow, page 213 – Duma Key used Venus Yellow, pages 43, 57, 58)


31. Both novels reference to learning art, art school, instructional videos, art galleries (Keller’s Den pages 14, 15 – Duma Key, pages 17, 74, 460).


32. Both novels reference each main character to an art gallery (Keller’s Den, page 12 – Duma Key, pages 127, 167, 170, 173).


33. In Keller’s Den (page 40), while suggesting that Martin show his work to get professional evaluation, Janet mentions that she “knows somebody who has a sister that is a curator.” In Duma Key, Ilse says “I think you ought to show these to someone who can tell how good they really are” (page 74). “I am co-curator,” a secondary character says (page 314).


34. In reference to other people looking at each of the main character’s paintings or drawings:

In Keller’s Den (page 39), Martin asks Janet, “What do you think?”

In Duma Key (page 73), Edgar asks Ilse, “What do you think?”

In Duma Key (page 166), Edgar asks Jack, “What do you think?”


In Keller’s Den (page 39), Janet asks Martin, “You did this?” and “When did you do this?”

In Duma Key (Page 73), Ilse asks, “You really did these?” and “When did you do this?”

In Duma Key (page 17), Dr. Karmen asks Edgar, “You do this?”

In Duma Key (page 256), Wireman asked Edgar, “When did you do this?”


In Keller’s Den (page 39), Janet says, “It’s so God-damned good.”

In Duma Key (page 17), Dr. Karmen says, “This is pretty good.”

In Duma Key (page 73), Ilse says, “They’re good. Maybe better than good.”


In Keller’s Den (page 40), Martin asks “You really like it?”

In Duma Key (page 88), Edgar asks “Do you like it?”

35. When each main character tries to explain their premonitions and mysterious events, they receive the following responses: in Keller’s Den, Martin’s fiancée asks “Do you believe in that stuff?” (page 186). In Duma Key, Edgar’s ex-wife asks “Do you really believe that, Edgar – any of it?” (page 197).

36. In Keller’s Den, Janet tells Martin, “You’re scaring the shit out of me (page 187)!” In Duma Key, Pam tells Edgar to “Stop scaring me (page 206)!”


37. Mysterious forces impact each main character and secondary characters other than from a painting premise:

Keller's Den

Joe’s telepathic powers tap into Martin’s world (chapters 4, 6, 23, 50, 51, page 101).


Janet’s mysterious and uncontrolled sexual appetite (chapter 8).


Martin’s cryptic dreams (chapters 9, 23, 47).


Joe’s cryptic dreams (chapter 23).


Evil or good forces working on Joe (chapters 37, 46, 48, 50, 51).


Martin’s cryptic visions (chapters 9, 10, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 32, 46).


Martin’s uncontrollable actions (chapters 28, 32, 49, 50).


Martin hearing voices (chapters 9, 28, 32, page 14).


Evil forces working on Bo (chapter 10).


Mrs. Baxter’s mysterious powers and uncontrollable actions (chapters 14, 32, 46).


Evil forces working on Keller ancestry (chapters 23, 39, 42, 44, 46, 51, Epilogue).


Evil forces working on Father Sherman (chapter 45, page 225).

Duma Key

“Some force was at work” (page 347).


“It’s her power. The same power that drew you here in the first place” (page 393).


Perse (pages 393, 430, 431, 482, 495, 579, (456, beyond painting). “Perse is “hungry for souls.” Compares to Keller ancestry that controls souls and is interested in Martin to host his (Jack’s) wretched soul (Keller’s Den, page 143).


It’s the pictures that make you feel the way you do (483).


Edgar’s visions (pages, 130, 276, 514).


Evil (page 463)


“My mind playing more tricks (page 463) – (compares to Keller’s Den “more tricks” page 242) and “he can play tricks with our mind” page 225).


Tom’s suicide (pages 455, 456).


Kamen’s heart attack (pages 456, 467).


“Whatever the spell was it wouldn’t hold much longer (page 541).


Edgar’s missing arm appeared (page 542).


Dolls talk (page 152, 209, 210, 443).


China figurine comes to life and attacks Edgar (page 581, 582).


Fighting dead twins (page 582).


Deceased daughter is presented in sand-ghost figure (page 596).


A reference is made to three characters that once had head injuries and were influenced by Duma Key (pages, 246, 401).

38. Keller’s Den curse was influenced from death by fire and burning (Prologue, chapters 23, 39, 51). Duma Key’s curse was influenced by water and by drowning (page 407 – “not even drowning is the end,” also page 463, 464, 497, 556, 597 are thoughts of Perse’s control). The drowning incidents in Duma Key are vital to the plot and are induced by a curse. The main character’s father in Keller’s Den drowned and was caused by a curse.


39. Both novels include prominent elderly ladies with a mysterious past that is significant to the story line (Keller’s Den -- Mrs. Gladys Baxter, chapters 13, 14, 15, 47, 50, 51, pages 91, 237 -- Duma Key, Miss Elizabeth Eastlake, pages 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138,141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 151, 152, 160, 175, 182, 184, 185, etc.).


40. Art is significant to both old ladies (Keller’s Den, page 74 -- Duma Key, Elizabeth Eastlake was an artist (page 149, 151, 209, 332, 402, 427).


41. An old lady in each novel was in a wheelchair (Keller’s Den, page 130 -- Duma Key pages 80, 117, 200, 202, 249, etc.). Incidentally, the old lady in the wheelchair in Keller’s Den is not the same person as the mysterious elderly lady in other references.


42. Both old ladies lived next door to the main character (Keller’s Den, pages 73, 82, 83, 84, 234, 237, 243, 245 -- Duma Key, pages 55, 77, 80).


43. The old lady in each novel calls the main character on the phone (Keller’s Den, page 237 – Duma Key, pages 60, 93 179 – leaves message).


44. The old women in both novels wore funny shoes. In Keller’s Den, Mrs. Baxter work black orthopedic-looking shoes (page 87). In Duma Key, Mrs. Eastlake wore blue high top tennis shoes (pages 80, 93, 116, 117, 125, 140, 235, 382).


45. Both prominent old ladies are referred to as witches with wrinkles (Keller’s Den, page 90 -- Duma Key, page 80. Wrinkles are referenced again on page 362.


46. An ambulance comes after both old ladies (Keller’s Den, pages 251, 252 – Duma Key, page 394).


47. Each victim in both novels is spiritually involved in the stories. Also, both old ladies die at the hand of the curse (Keller’s Den, page 252 – Duma Key, page 403).


48. In Keller’s Den, Mrs. Baxter (Ursula) witnessed her husband burning to death (Epilogue). In Duma Key, Mrs. Eastlake witnessed her sisters drowning (pages 135, 259, 334, 555).


49. Both old ladies deal with the curse most of their life (Keller’s Den, pages 73, 74, 89, 92 -- Duma Key, pages 462, 555). The cookie tin references give more indications of Mrs. Eastlake’s continuous attempt to fight the curse (pages 136, 200, 344, 528, 602, 603).


50. Both novels use the following in regards to the old ladies: Keller’s Den is Old Lady Baxter (pages 89, 91), while Duma Key is Ole Miss Elizabeth (page 120).


51. Mrs. Baxter has a roadmap of creases on her skin in Keller’s Den (page 89). Edgar has a roadmap of scars on his skin in Duma Key (page 581).


52. Both old ladies in each novel displayed a natural setting painting in similar places. (Mrs. Baxter’s painting in Keller’s Den was on the wall above fireplace mantle, pages 73, 94, and depicted her past, a place where she once lived in a village, a place that Martin envisioned in his mind. Mrs. Eastlake’s painting in Duma Key was on the wall above the CD shelves on wall and was painted by Salvador Dali and looked like one of Edgar’s drawings, a view of the Gulf from Edgar’s drawing room (page 144).


53. In Keller’s Den, Mrs. Baxter’s hair “whipped around in the breeze” (page 87). In Duma Key, Mrs. Eastlake’s “hair was loose, blowing in a warm breeze” (page 287).


54. In Keller’s Den, regarding Mrs. Baxter, “causing her hair to flutter across her face” (page 250). In Duma Key, regarding Mrs. Eastlake; “her hair was flying against her cheeks” (page 301).


55. In Duma Key, Elizabeth dies of an apparent stroke (page 394) induced by the curse. In Keller’s Den, Joe Keller dies of an apparent stroke (page 242) induced by the curse.


56. Both main characters deny that it was simply a stroke that killed the two secondary characters (Keller’s Den, page 242 – Duma Key, page 394).


57. Both main characters could see faces of the past that were killed by the evil influence (Keller’s Den, page 251 – Duma Key, page 579). The deceased faces of the past in Keller’s Den were on a fiery canvas, while the deceased faces of the past in Duma Key were on a muddy wall.


58. A television station reports a violent crime in both novels (Keller’s Den, page 235 – Duma Key, page 215 and more).


59. Both main characters resort to act of violence during stage of blackouts or influential control – one main character stabs and chokes his wife, the other rapes and murders two of his coworkers.”


60. Martin sets out to destroy the curse by fire (chapters 49, 50, 51), while Edgar sets out to destroy his curse by drowning (pages 398 - drown her back to sleep) 498, 499, 567, 571, 572, 577, 588, 605).


61. Both evil influences speak to the main character (Keller’s Den, pages 50, 56, 173, 174, 250 – Duma Key, pages 579, 582). Both main characters sense the presence of their spiritual nemesis and ask them something and talk to them (Keller’s Den, page 234 – Duma Key, page 488, 577, 580).


62. Both main characters heard unidentified and unexplained voices (Keller’s Den, pages 20, 27, 28, 32, 41, 50, 51, 66, 114, 117, 164, 251, 252 – Duma Key, page 363). Mysterious whispers also occur for the main characters (Keller’s Den, page 41, 50, 56, 252 – Duma Key, page 444).


63. In Keller’s Den, through Mrs. Baxter, the curse lures Martin into his den, attempting his doom (chapters 50, 51). In Duma Key, through Edgar’s daughter’s spirit, the curse lures Edgar, attempting his doom (page 598).


64. Keller’s Den -- Martin didn’t want to tell Janet about his mysterious calling until Chapter 33. Duma Key -- Edgar didn’t want to tell Ilse (pages 74, 163) or Pam (pages 196, 198).


65. Two secondary characters from each novel try to convince both main characters to leave the house after a chilling incident, but both main characters stay alone at their house (Keller’s Den, pages 229, 230 -- Duma Key, page 433).


66. In Keller’s Den, Martin tells Janet that it’s not safe for her (pages 187, 188, 229, 230) In Duma Key, Elizabeth tells Edgar that it’s not safe for Ilse, his daughter (pages 180, 181).


67. Both novels use information from a library or librarian that originated from old newspapers to convey historical tragic news of multiple deaths (Keller’s Den page 210, Miami Herald -- Duma Key pages 135, 200, Tampa newspaper). Incidentally, both stories made the headlines.


68. Both main characters had 13 in their street address (Keller’s Den 1300 Hickory Lane, pages 72, 252, 253 -- Duma Key 13 Salmon Point, page 35 and 13 Duma Key Road, page 145).


69. Both settings take place along the coast in southern Florida. Keller’s Den takes place in Miami (pages 22, 48, 61, 63, 85, 99, 105, 147, 149, 156, 185, 193, 209, 210, 235, 243), while Duma Key takes place on the Gulf side near Sarasota (page 33). Also in Duma Key, Miami (pages 135, 417) is mentioned as a secondary setting, a place where Elizabeth Eastlake’s (mysterious old lady) sisters and father once lived. Also, an island is influential regarding the genesis of the evil curse in both novels.


70. Both novels begin in October around Halloween (Keller’s Den, pages 16, 67 – Duma Key, pages 17, 57).


71. Both novels reference snakes (Keller’s Den, pages 21, 42, 46, 82, 88, 134 - snakes in a skull page 45 – Duma Key, pages 112, 134, 447, 449, 501, 511, 516, 518 – snakes in Perse’s hair 565).


72. In both novels, an elderly lady murders a young female (Keller’s Den, page 190 – Duma Key, page 488).


73. There is a scar on the face of two secondary characters in each novel. In Keller’s Den, Sergeant Keller (page 28) and Jack Keller (page 92). In Duma Key, Jerome Wireman (page 116, 136) and Elizabeth Eastlake (page 236).


74. Both main characters suffer from lack of sleep (Keller’s Den, pages 47, 52, 75, 78, 86, 97, 119, 120, 147, 150, 238– Duma Key, pages 196, 229, 230, 248, 363, 469).


75. Both novels reference sleeping medications (Keller’s Den, pages 47, 104, 238 – Duma Key, page 473).


76. Both main characters use prescription drugs to cope with their problems (Martin uses Valium, page 238 – Edgar uses Oxycontin, pages 27, 79, 252, 363, 589l, 594).


77. Both main characters take aspirin for pain (Keller’s Den, pages 91, 155 – Duma Key, pages 147, 230, 267, 337, 498).


78. Both novels reference morphine (Keller’s Den, page 20 – Duma Key, page 320).


79. Both main characters experience re-occurring head-aches (Keller’s Den pages 75, 87, 155, 156, 163, 192 -- Duma Key pages 4, 7, 27, 119, 130, 178, 174, 414, 551). Migraines were also mentioned (Keller’s Den, pages 51, 53, 81, 168 – Duma Key, page 413). Martin experiences haunting memories during severe headaches, while Edgar’s brain trauma is influential regarding the evil influence. A secondary character in Duma Key, Jerome Wireman also suffers from a head trauma which also has influential implications.

80. Alzheimer’s reference in Keller’s Den as a possible self-assessment for Martin (page 75). Duma Key, the old lady, Elizabeth Eastlake has Alzheimer’s (pages 133, 134, 135, 142, 205, 259, 291).


81. Each main character thought he was crazy or insane (Keller’s Den, pages 85, 96, 102, 117, 138, 178, 187 – Duma Key pages 69, 138, 205, 289).


82. Two secondary characters in each novel are considered crazy/insane (Keller’s Den, Joe Keller, chapters 4, 6, 17, 23 -- Duma Key, Elizabeth Eastlake, 173).


83. An asylum is references in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 101, 147 – Duma Key, page 133, 515).


84. Both novels refer to a TV in a remedial facility that was mounted in an upper corner (Keller’s Den, page 129 – Duma Key, page 220).


85. Schizophrenic is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 23, 93, 122, 209 – Duma Key, page 239, 240, 550).


86. Both novels have a secondary character that is diagnosed with “chemical imbalance.” (Keller’s Den, pages 101, 133 – Duma Key, page 378).


87. Keller’s Den references nut hut (page 63). Duma Key references nut house (page 574).


88. Both novels reference either science probing their brain during an autopsy (Keller’s Den, page 96), or studied under a microscope (Duma Key, page 493).


89. Both main characters use a psychiatrist to help them cope with tragedies (Keller’s Den -- Dr. Cameron, chapters 21, 22, 24, pages 184, 209, 226 -- Duma Key, Dr. Kamen, pages 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 29, 322, 316, etc.) Incidentally, if you pronounce Cameron and Kamen they even sound similar.


90. Martin experienced strobe-like visions in his head, nightmares and pictures that flashed in his mind like a slide presentation (pages 48, 51), and visions that played over like a slow motion movie (page 133). Edgar has a vision of a nightmare that flickered like an old movie (page 514).


91. Both main characters cry, each one of them breaking into a sob once (Keller’s Den, page 118 – Duma Key, page 452, 494, 496, 556, 605).


92. Both main characters experience thoughts of suicide (Keller’s Den, pages 104, 168 – Duma Key, pages 15, 157, 319, 475).


93. Secondary characters in both novels also think about suicide (Keller’s Den, Joe Keller, Martin’s father, page 145 – Duma Key, Tom Riley, Edgar’s accountant, pages 133, 137, 154, 157, 195, 197, 198 and Jerome Wireman, page 226). In Duma Key, Mary Ire commits suicide (page 497).


94. Both novels (Keller’s Den, page 244 – Duma Key, pages 455, 456, 579) referenced the following from a character from each novel who was cursed and contemplates suicide to save the life of others:​

In Keller’s Den, Martin was speeding at 85 miles per hour

In Duma Key, Tom was speeding at 70 miles an hour or more


In Keller’s Den, Martin was driving along highway 13

In Duma Key, Tom was driving along highway 23


In Keller’s Den, Martin swerved to avoid a guard rail

In Duma Key, Tom drove into a retaining wall


In Keller’s Den, Martin found himself in mid-air

In Duma Key, Tom drove into a concrete cliff

95. A secondary character in each novel dies in a car accident that was controlled by the curse (Father Sherman in Keller’s Den, page 232 – Tom Riley in Duma Key, pages 455, 456).


96. Both main characters had mentors who were very large men (Keller’s Den, Father Sherman is a Catholic Priest, page 194 -- Duma Key, Dr. Kamen is a large black psychologist, page 13, 316, 322), which can also be referenced to another large black character in Keller’s Den – Lou Sharpe the orderly (page 22).


97. Both novels refer to a middle aged male professional with pony tails, both in their fifties, (Keller’s Den, Father Sherman, page 194 – Duma Key, attorney, page 239).


98. Both novels refer to a heavy set or stout Hispanic cleaning lady -- Keller’s Den (page 148, Duma Key page 66)


99. A dog was killed early in each story (Keller’s Den, page 71 – Duma Key, pages 20, 25).


100. An autopsy was referenced for both dead dogs (Keller’s Den page 95 -- Duma Key page 30).


101. Both main characters had a barking dog owned by a neighbor (Keller’s Den, page 243 – Duma Key, pages 216, 217).


102. Both novels reference the curse in the following comparison to a vampire:

Keller's Den -“His sudden artistic impulses drew him to the canvas much in the way that a vampire is drawn to the uncontrollable urges that force his fangs into the necks of innocent victims. While stroking the brush across the canvas was satisfactory for one, the taste of blood was equal for another (page 12).”


Duma Key - “We’re talking about something far older and more monstrous. Hungry too. That much it does have in common with vampires. Only hungry for souls, not blood. (page 462).” The hungry for souls, not blood part is comparable to the ancestry in Keller’s Den that is hungry for souls and “the taste of new blood to host his wretched soul” (Keller’s Den - page 145).

103. The black sari in Keller’s Den (pages 86, 87, 119, 142, 212, 238, 240) equates to the red cloak and robe in Duma Key (pages 68, 74, 159, 265, 326, 367, 430, 467, 471 565, 580). They are both referenced to the curse and are worn by females.


104. In Keller’s Den, “angry red skies and blood-soiled ground” (page 5). In Duma Key, “sky bleeds red” (page 366) and “blood across the infected sky” (page 388), and “reflected the sun and appeared to be full of blood (page 389).”


105. In Keller’s Den, Martin’s father drowns in a bathtub (page 242), while Edgar’s daughter in Duma Key drowns in a bathtub (page 490, 493, 496, 497). Also, Martin Keller envisions his dead mother surfacing and then submerging below the ocean’s crest (page 115). Also, Martin Keller apparently was resuscitated in a mysterious painting incident (chapter 44). King uses an ocean drowning for twin girls throughout Duma Key (pages 135, 200 282, 286, 324, 350, 351, 353, 358, 433, 438, 511, etc). Emory Paulson drowns (page 545). Also, both characters from each novel that drown in the bathtub come back from the dead to have an influence on the story (Keller’s Den, chapter 50 -- Duma Key, page 596).


106. Martin experiences saltwater on the floor in his den after his ocean painting (Keller’s Den, page 230). Ilse had saltwater in the bathtub when she drowned (Duma Key, page 597). The saltwater in both novels was influenced by paintings and the evil curse.


107. Joe Keller drowned and turned in to a ghost (chapter 50). Emery drowned and turned into a creature (page 554, 446, 447, 448, 449). The twins drowned and turned into ghost-like creatures (pages 582, 588).


108. In Keller’s Den, Joe Keller lay face up under the water (page 241). In Duma Key, Isle asks Edgar, “Are those faces in the water (page 391)?”


109. Words were written by ghosts on a canvas in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 246, 247, 248 – Duma Key, pages 424, 425). The ghost in Keller’s Den used an “empty canvas” while the ghosts in Duma Key used a “fresh canvas.”


110. Both novels reference an evening breeze through a back door just before someone is killed (Keller’s Den, page 189, 190 -- Duma Key, page 562)


111. Four secondary characters are killed on both novels (Keller’s Den – Sarah, Courtney, Father Sherman and Joe, pages 133, 190, 232, 242 -- Duma Key -- Tom, Dr. Kamen, Ilse and Mary Ire, pages 455, 456, 480, 467, 473, 490, 493, 496, 497).


112. One of the killings in each novel involves a woman’s blood splattered on the wall (Keller’s Den, page 133 – Duma Key, page 497).


113. Joe Keller impales his wife with a knife in Keller’s Den (page 133) and Mrs. Baxter impales Courtney (page 190). In Duma Key, John Eastlake impales his daughter with a spear gun (page 563).


114. Both novels encounter a murder or thought of murder involving main character’s exgirlfriend and an ex-wife with a knife being the weapon (Keller’s Den, page 190 – Duma Key, page 455).


115. Both novels reference approaching sirens (Keller’s Den, pages 61, 250 – Duma Key, page 394).


116. Martin’s fiancée talks on the phone to the cops, while Edgar’s ex-wife talks on the phone to the cops (Keller’s Den, page 59 – Duma Key, page 487).


117. Both novels reference police cars responding (Keller’s Den, chapter 10 – Duma Key, page 477).


118. Both main characters listen to a message on their phone from cops (Keller’s Den, page 85 -- Duma Key, page 591).


119. Both novels mention reference a detective (Keller’s Den, page 56 – Duma Key, page 353, 592).


120. Both novels refer to Picasso (Keller’s Den, pages 13, 26, 34, 63 – Duma Key page 95).


121. Both novels refer to Leonardo Da Vinci (Keller’s Den, page 155, Duma Key, page 580).


122. Both novels refer to Salvador Dali (Keller’s Den page 13 – Duma Key pages 60, 122, 127, 142, 145).


123. Both novels refer to Rembrandt (Keller’s Den pages 13, 34 – Duma Key page 67, 333).


124. Both novels reference Cupid (Keller’s Den, page 233 – Duma Key, page 473).


125. Both novels use the following Disney cartoon character references:

Duma Key -


Tinker Bell (page 442)

Road Runner (pages 117, 118)

Wile E. Coyote (page 118)

Pepe Le Pew (page 230)

Keller's Den -


Tinker Bell (page 24)

Yosemite Sam (pages 57, 85)

126. Both novels reference a noise/sound from one of the Disney characters (Keller’s Den, page 57, 58 – Duma Key, page 83).


In addition to referencing the same famous artists and Disney characters, etc., both novels use the following similar names:


127. Keller’s Den has Officer Jones, (pages 62, 63, 65) and Dr. Jones (pages 253, 254). Duma Key has Carson Jones, (pages 70, 71, 74, and many more).


128. Keller’s Den has Jack Keller (pages 24, 138 and many more). Duma Key has Jack Cantori (pages 35, 36, 42, 248, and many more, and also has Jack Fineham, a cop).


129. Keller’s Den has Steve Smith (page 163), one of Martin’s co-workers. Duma Key has Sandy Smith, Edgar’s realtor (page 190).


130. Keller’s Den has Frank Keller (pages 31, 43) ancestry of Martin’s. Duma Key has Frank O’Hara, the poet (page 146).


131. Keller’s Den has Keller (throughout). Duma Key has Garrison Keilor, the poet (pages 146, 188).


133.Keller’s Den has John Armstrong, Fire Marshall (page 210). Duma Key has John Sanford, author (page 12), John Hastings, Edgar’s neighbor (page 25), John Eastlake, Elizabeth Eastlake’s father (page 135), and John MacDonald, a doctor (page 233).


134.Keller’s Den has Tina Avery (page 193). Duma Key had Tina Garibaldi (pages 215, 216, 217, 218, 257 and more).


135.Keller’s Den has Richard Williams, attorney (page 211). Duma Key has Richard Wilbur, poet (page 216).


136.Keller’s Den has Jimmy Henderson (pages 47, 48). Duma Key had Jimmy Yoshida, curator (pages 265, 267, 293, 295, 316).


137.Keller’s Den has David Townsend (page 210), David (221), David Copperfield (233). Duma Key has Dave Davis (pages 328, 329, 330, 348, 525, 552).


138. If Martin and Janet were to have a daughter they were going to name her Miranda (page 89).

Edgar’s daughter was named Melinda (pages 61, 63, 71, 156, 199, 247, 259, 381, 384, 385, 391, 418, 457, 603, etc).


139.Keller’s Den has Billy (pages 129, 130, 131, 132, 144). Duma Key has Bill (page 395).


140.Keller’s Den has Joe Keller (many chapters).

Duma Key has Joe (page 523).


141.Keller’s Den has Samson (page 13).

Duma Key has Samson (page 592).


142. Truth and significance in dreams is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, page 46, 47, and Lea’s dream, page 81 -- Duma Key, page 28).


143.Realism in nightmares is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 47, 48, 75, 115, 119, 132, 143, 224 -- Duma Key, pages 213, 514, 550).


144.Both main characters experience waking up from a bad dream and experience the following similarities:

In Keller’s Den, Martin hears thunder (page 46).

In Duma Key, Edgar’s heart was thundering (page 29).


In Keller’s Den, Martin encountered his fiancée, Janet, who had sharp teeth (page 46).

In Duma Key, Edgar experienced a frog that had sharp teeth (page 29).


In Keller’s Den, the digital clock radio read 2:19 (page 46).

In Duma Key, the digital clock radio read 3:19 (page 29).

145.Both main characters had re-occurring dreams (Keller’s Den, pages 86, 87, 119, 142, 212, 238, 241 – Duma Key, pages 213, 273, 280).


146.Both main characters attempt to shout to a girl in their re-occurring dream (Keller’s Den, page 238 -- Duma Key, page 214).


147. In Keller’s Den, a cloudy human-like figure posed itself above Martin and its “features changed like clouds on a windy day” (page 114). In Duma Key, regarding a sandy humanlike figure, the wind “caused her features to shift like landscape under rapidly passing summer clouds” (page 596, 597). Also, both novels described this phenomenon as “hypnotic” (Keller’s Den, page 114 -- Duma Key, page 596).


148.Both novels cite “earthbound” (Keller’s Den, page 247 – Duma Key, page 488).


149.Both novels reference a sensation for the main character that felt like he was floating above the ground (Keller’s Den, page 92 – Duma Key, page 488, 490, 491, 496).


150.Keller’s Den uses a square box to hold an evil omen (pages 245), while Duma Key uses a heart-shaped box (page 529, 562).


151. In speculating if something was real, both novels reference casting a shadow (Keller’s Den, page 148 – Duma Key, page 516).


152.Both main characters experienced an “intruder” (Keller’s Den, Chapter 10, pages 58, 59, 60, 77). One of Duma Key’s title chapters is called “Intruder.” While Keller’s Den uses a spirit as an intruder (chapters 9 and 10), Duma Key uses a creature (pages 446, 447, 448, 449). In this chapter, the creature could be compared to Janet in Martin’s nightmare, which was covered in greenish-black seaweed and exposed her sharp teeth. Duma Key’s creature is also covered in something like moss (page 446) and smells like seaweed (page 448). Both came from the sea. Both creatures in each novel were also described as being cold to the touch (Keller’s Den, page 46 – Duma Key 448). Janet had arrow-shaped teeth that stretched across her face (page 46), while Duma Key’s creature grinned, lips splitting as they drew back revealing two lines of yellow teeth set into old black gums (page 446).


153. Both intruders (non-human) speak to the main character (Keller’s Den, page 56 -- Duma Key, page 447, 448).


154.Both novels use the word “cavalry” as being rescued from the “intruder” when someone shows up (Keller’s Den, page 61 – Duma Key, page 448).


155.Both novels reference skeletons (Keller’s Den, pages 217-220 – Duma Key, page 101, 279, 280, 430).


156.Keller’s Den referenced a skeleton with angry overtone shaped eye sockets (page 219). Duma Key references a spongy eye socket (page 446), and feet that burst through to the bones (page 446).


157. In both novels skeletons come to life in the ocean (Keller’s Den, pages 217, 218, 219, 220 – Duma Key, page 430, 550, 565).


158.Both novels mention the skeletons as wearing tattered clothes, headbands or rags (Keller’s Den, pages 217, 218, 219, 220, 220 – Duma Key, page 575, 587).


159. The skeletons in Keller’s Den existed on a ship of the dead (old pirate ship, pages 217 – 220). This compares to Duma Key “And beneath me the murmur of the shells had become the gossip of dead things telling secrets in bone voices. How could I have not heard that before? Dead things, yes! A ship had come here, a ship of the dead with rotted sails (the sails compare to Keller’s Den – “the mighty masts had sustained the most damage . . . large shreds remained attached to the towers and laggardly swished about in the ocean’s current pages 216, 217), and it had offloaded living corpses” (page 279).


160. Skeletons in Keller’s Den move their mouth. Skeletons in Duma Key grin (page 579).


161. Skeletons in both novels have weapons (Keller’s Den, pages 217, 218, 219, 220 -- Duma Key, page 575). Skeletons in Keller’s Den hold their weapons high (page 219). Skeletons in Duma Key raise their arms in salute (page, 550, 565).


162. In reference to skeletons, the words “calcium shells” (page 217) in Keller’s Den prompted King to use “shells,” which were under Edgar’s house, throughout Duma Key (pages 64, 66, 67, 68, 77, 97, 98, 115, 127, 130, 144, 154, 162, 165, 167, 175, 182, 185, 209, 214). The “calcium shells” (skeletons) that come to life in Keller’s Den is the catalyst for the shells under Big Pink that sound like they are frequently talking to Edgar. The once drown twins “crawled out of the shells” (page 280). Also on page 130, “it was all too easy to imagine skulls instead of shells, thousands of them, all gnashing their teeth when the waves came in.”


163.Both novels reference using an old wooden ladder (Keller’s Den, page 218, 219 – Duma Key, page 548, 552, 570, 573, 576, 577, 578, 579, 583). Incidentally, both wooden ladder excerpts are used with skeletons and flashlights in each novel.


164.A ghost ship is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, page 216 – Duma Key, pages 45, 213, 214, 289, 294, 351, 361, 362, 388, 429, (ship of the dead, page 431, 461, 544, 549) and a ship empty of life (page 445). Emory Paulson appears as a creature on page 446, and is considered a relic of the ghost ship. Emory has some skeleton-like features. Skeletons are used in Keller’s Den ghost ship. King uses ghost ship (Perse) as the source that has an evil influence on story line pages 444, 461, 463, 464, 479, 482).


165.Both novels reference a creature that is with a ship (Keller’s Den, page 220 – Duma Key, page 367, 565).


166.Both novels reference a ship with sails and masts (Keller’s Den, pages 106, 109, page – Duma Key, page 214, 366, 388, 433, masts 429, 445, 557). Keller’s Den states “large shreds that remained attached,” (page 217), while Duma Key has “rotting sails” (page 433) and rotting ship (page 557) and black masts looming like fingers, its sails sagging like dead flesh (page 388).


167.Both novels mention length of a boat (Keller’s Den, page 105– Duma Key, page 446).


168.A smaller boat is also referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 213, 215 -- Duma Key, page 45, 214, 253, 388).


169.A schooner is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 97, 105, 109, 144 – Duma Key, page 447).


170.Both ghost ships had ropes (Keller’s Den, pages 217, 220 – Duma Key, page 445).


171.Both novels reference the abyss (Keller’s Den, page 174 – Duma Key, page 509, 590).


172.Both novels use religion. In Keller’s Den, Savov, (page 6), Martin (page 145), Joe, (page 136), Father Sherman (page 193) and much of Chapters 36, 37, 38 43, 44, 45. Duma Key, Edgar’s daughter’s fiancée, Carson Jones is a Baptist (pages 70, 72, 79, 189).


173. The Bible is instrumental in each novel (Keller’s Den, pages 202, 203, 205, 221, 227, 231 - - Duma Key pages 68, 72).


174.Both novels refer to Mary (Keller’s Den, page 193 – Duma Key, page 221).


175.Both novels reference ghosts (Keller’s Den, pages 16, 55, 140, 145, 147, 186, 199 – Duma Key, pages 280, 289, 416, 423, 432, 514 (also referred to as the undead 433).


176. There is a re-occurring question Martin asks himself – “Is there a God” (pages 164, 167). In Duma Key, “If there’s a God,” is mentioned (page 204).


177.Both novels reference younger days of a character that went to church on Sunday (Keller’s Den, page 193 -- Duma Key, page 560).


178.Both novels reference a church bell (Keller’s Den, page 5 – Duma Key, page 328).


179.Both novels reference something holy that is circular in shape (Keller’s Den, page 194 -- Duma Key, page 560).


180.Both novels use something holy to burn something evil (Keller’s Den, page 228 – Duma Key, page 563).


181.Both main characters use something holy to destroy their curse (Keller’s Den, page 250, an angel – Duma Key, page 598, a bracelet that is considered to be holy from page 560).


182. In last page of each novel, God is mentioned (Keller’s Den, page 252 – Duma Key, page 607.


183. The description of a building in Martin’s dream is similar to a building where Edgar and two other characters look for drawings. Both settings describe the buildings as being old and dark with rips or strips of hanging wallpaper. In this setting in Keller’s Den, a cockroach was referenced. In Duma Key, strolling wood lice were referenced. (Keller’s Den, pages 238, 239, 240 – Duma Key, page 523). In a later excerpt Duma Key uses beetles as a possible comparison to cockroach in Keller’s Den. (page 573). In another insect comparison to Duma Key’s wood lice, Keller’s Den references sand mites (page 44). Martin is troubled by the sand mites on page 44, whereas Wireman is troubled by beetles on pages 573, 574.


184. In this building, Duma Key references water dripping from upstairs and a rotted floor. At the end of chapter 47, Keller’s Den references a bathtub that is overflowing onto the hardwood floor. King uses this excerpt to write about the rotted hardwood floor from water leakage.


185.Both novels reference the same graffiti drawing on the wall – a heart shape with initials in the heart. Incidentally, Duma Key uses Joe (as in Joe Keller) as one of the names in the heart, whereas Keller’s Den uses Jack. (Keller’s Den, page 240 – Duma Key, page 523).


186.With one of their paintings, both main characters deal with a storm (Keller’s Den, chapter 9 -- Duma Key, page 165, 279).


187.A thunderous storm knocked out power in main character’s house in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 52, 53 -- Duma Key, page 281).


188. Something frightening was seen when power was re-stored in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 57, 58 -- Duma Key, page 281).


189.Both novels reference fear of reaching for the light switch and a power outage (Keller’s Den, page 57 – Duma Key, page 379). In this reference, Keller’s Den refers to somebody standing there at the switch with a Grinch-like grin. Duma Key refers to shadows with teeth.


190.Martin sees water at the foot of his easel after a loss of conscious during a painting (page 230). After painting, Edgar sees water at the stair landing after a loss of conscious (page 281).


191. In both novels rain cascades, pelts or beats against windows and lightening illuminates both houses during a storm. Also in each storm, a painting was significant. (Keller’s Den, pages 50, 63 -- Duma Key, page 205, 279).


192. Stairs and banisters in the main character’s homes are referenced (Keller’s Den, page 51 – Duma Key page 28). In both novels, a scary incident occurs on the stairs at night during a storm (Keller’s Den, pages 50, 51– Duma Key, page 280).


193. In Keller’s Den, Martin couldn’t move his feet (pages 50, 55). In Duma Key, Edgar wasn’t conscious of his moving feet (page 29).


194. Each main character experienced his heart “pounding too hard” (Keller’s Den, page 56 -- Duma Key page 153). Also, “heart was beating heavily” (page 302) and “heart was pounding hard (page 474).


195.Both main characters “stopped breathing” at a point when they got scared (Keller’s Den, page 50 – Duma Key, page 446). Also, in Keller’s Den, Janet “stopped breathing,” momentarily (page 187) and Martin Keller also stopped breathing in a painting incident (224).


196.Both main characters shout when a secondary character grabs his shoulder during a frightening incident (Keller’s Den, page 51 – Duma Key, page 448).


197.Both main characters fainted and eventually were awoken by the phone (Keller’s Den, page 241, 242– Duma Key, page 280, 281).


198.Both main characters had a table next to their easel (Keller’s Den, pages 11, 12, 245 -- Duma Key, page 107, 606).


199. In Keller’s Den, Martin fell from the stool in front of the easel (page 31). In Duma Key, Edgar fell off the chair in front of the easel (page 109).


200.After their fall, both main characters experienced similar pain. In Keller’s Den, Martin’s neck hurts (page 31). In Duma Key, Edgar’s hip and arm hurt and his thoughts were that he could have sprained or broken his neck (page 109).


201.Both novels reference bandages covering wounds on the neck or head (Keller’s Den, page 37 -- Duma Key, page 440).


202.Both novels reference main characters coming to from fainting after a bump on the head (Keller’s Den, page 242 – Duma Key, page 547, 548).


203.Martin hurts his shin (page 57). Edgar hurts his foot (page 474)


204.Both main characters had a carpet or a rug in the drawing/painting room (Keller’s Den, page 12 – Duma Key, page 109).


205. Towels are tossed aside in each painting room (Keller’s Den, page 41 – Duma Key, page 606).


206.Regarding dry mouth sensations, Keller’s Den cites cotton mouth while Duma Key cites copper-mouthed (Keller’ Den, page 189 – Duma Key, page 441).


207. In Keller’s Den, Martin intended on converting his basement into a recreation room (page 54). In Duma Key, Edgar’s basement is a recreation room (page 8).


208.Both novels reference books on a wall (Keller’s Den, page 123 – Duma Key, page 441).


209.Martin Keller threw something at the TV screen in Keller’s Den (page 237). Edgar almost threw something at the TV screen in Duma Key (page 64).


210.Both main characters fancy TV Dinners (Keller’s Den, pages 212 -- Duma Key pages 58, 131).

211.Both main characters use microwave ovens (Keller’s Den, page 107 – Duma Key page 58).


212.Both main characters refer to convenient food such as frozen food, beer, or Jello-O pudding for a bachelor or the single-man (Keller’s Den, page 212 – Duma Key, page 312).


213.Both main characters eat cereal (Keller’s Den, page 120 – Duma Key, page 241, 493).


214.Both novels reference Ouija Board (Keller’s Den, pages 227, 246 --Duma Key, page 425, 467).


215.Both novels reference a photograph in an old box of photos or in a box of souvenirs (Keller’s Den, pages 91, 92 – Duma Key, pages 127,).


216.An old black and white photo of ancestors is referenced (Keller’s Den, page 91 – Duma Key, pages 206, 297, 354). The quality of older pictures is also referenced (Keller’s Den, page 91 – Duma Key, page 354).


217.A blackbird in Keller’s Den is used as an omen for an approaching evil (233). Duma Key uses a heron as an evil watch bird for Perse, the evil curse (page 549, 569). Keller’s Den references a black bird (page 233), while Duma Key references a crow (page 365).


218.Both main characters gain an understanding of what had transpired regarding the mystery (Keller’s Den, “Martin understood,” page 251 – Duma Key, “I understood everything” page 456).


219.Both main characters hears voices or noises from an outside world (Keller’s Den, chapters, 28, 32, page 14 – Duma Key, “my voice seemed to be coming from someone else, (page 365).” (Duma Key pages 576, 577, 579).


220.Both novels reference an underwater diver (Keller’s Den, chapter 42 -- Duma Key, pages 182, 204, 207, 268, 355, 356, 357, 359, etc).


221.Both divers in each novel are in search for a treasure (Keller’s Den, chapter 42 – Duma Key, pages 210, 211, 282, 285, 286, 355, 356, 358, 443, 488 etc). Mr. Eastlake dives for treasure, page 444, 511).


222.Cold water is associated in each novel with diving (Keller’s Den, page 216 – Duma Key, page 211).


223.Both divers in each novel use flippers, mask, and snorkel (Keller’s Den, pages 215, 220 – Duma Key, page 285, 444, 445).


224.Gold bars/bricks are referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 218, 219 -- Duma Key, page 515).


225. Flashlights are prominent in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 218 – Duma Key, pages 235, 237, 503, 528, 570, 575, 577, 588, 598, etc). Duma Key. The main characters in Duma Key use a flashlight to capture the curse, pages 581, 582, 583, 584 (she’s in the flashlight), 585, 586, 591, 596, 601, 605).


226.Both main characters in each novel get goose bumps (Keller’s Den, page 37 – Duma Key, page 423).


227.Both main characters were divorced (Keller’s Den, pages 36, 38, 54 – Duma Key, pages 61, 104, 110, 115, 137, 138).


228.Both main characters run/rake their fingers through their hair. Keller’s Den, “Raked his hair with his fingers.” (page 87) Duma Key, “Raked his fingers through his hair” (page 431) and “Ran my hand through my hair” (page 335).


229.Both main characters experience a slight weight gain (Keller’s Den, page 36 – Duma Key, page 69)


230.Both main characters think – “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” (Keller’s Den, page 39 – Duma Key, page 339).


231.Clothes that no longer fit are referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, page 13 – Duma Key, page 211).


232.Both main characters wake up around 9 o’clock from a rough evening (Keller’s Den, page 75 – Duma Key, page 215).


233.Both novels reference Hell (Keller’s Den, pages 57, 85, 170, 171, 174, 175, 192, 223, 231, 246, 251 – Duma Key, page 588, 590).


234.Keller’s Den references a puff of clouds (page 82) while Duma Key references puffy. clouds (page 399).


235.Both novels reference a cigar (Keller’s Den, page 168 – Duma Key, page 428, 543, 544) and both novels reference smoky circles (Keller’s Den, page 168 -- Duma Key, page 428).


236.Both novels have a Crucifixion reference (Keller’s Den, page 13 – Duma Key, page 87).


237.A choir sings in Keller’s Den (page 193). A trio plays music in Duma Key (page 369).


238.Korean War is referenced (Keller’s Den, page 135 – Duma Key page 74)


239. Indians in Keller’s Den (page 31) are referenced to horses, while Indians in Duma Key (page 360) are referenced to ponies. Also, a man riding a horse is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den pages 27, 30, 31 -- Duma Key, page 551).


240.Both novels reference warriors (Keller’s Den, page 80 -- Duma Key, page 551, 485).

241.Both novels reference slightly receding hairlines (Keller’s Den, page 36 – Duma Key, page 355).


242.Both novels reference jungle (Keller’s Den, pages 78, 240 – Duma Key, pages 273, 291, 293, 334, 505, 506, 550, 555, 587).


243. In Keller’s Den, Savov’s face melts from fire (page 9), while in Duma Key, Elizabeth’s mouth appeared as if it was melting (page 362).


244.Both novels refer to cactus plants (Keller’s Den, page 20, 143 -- Duma Key, page 66).


245. In Keller’s Den, the main character has a fiancée (pages 12, 35). In Duma Key, the main character’s daughter has a fiancée (pages 69, 70).


246. Engagement rings are instrumental in each novel (Keller’s Den, page 35 -- Duma Key, page 69).


247.Both novels reference chained doors (Keller’s Den, pages 93, 177 -- Duma Key, page 516, 523).


248. Both novels referenced a little league baseball field (Keller’s Den, pages 47, 48 – Duma Key, page 216).


249.Both novels reference a desk (Keller’s Den, pages 36, 91, 98, 125, 127, 128, 155, 156, 158, 159, 164, 165, 166, 171, 172, 235, 239 -- Duma Key, page 523).


250.Both novels reference a character with his tie off or loose, his collar unbuttoned and sitting behind a desk (Keller’s Den, page 165 – Duma Key, page 440, 561).


251.Both novels use the stock market in reference to profits or losses (Keller’s Den, pages 149, 150, 156, 157, 159 – Duma Key, page 329).


252.Celebrating holidays together are referenced (Keller’s Den, page 16 (Janet’s thoughts) and in Duma Key, pages 61, 62, 63, 65, 73 (Edgar with his daughter).


253.Both novels reference a hedge in the driveway (Keller’s Den, page 83 – Duma Key, page 554).


254.Martin’s eyes water in Keller’s Den (page 19). Jerome Wireman’s eye waters in Duma Key (pages 162, 164, 175, 216). King uses this reference to depict Wireman’s eye getting worse and then healed by Edgar’s painting. Edgar’s eye also waters (page 446)


255.Both novels reference a dead fish aroma or dead fish stench (Keller’s Den, page 45 – Duma Key, page 544).


256.Both novels use Spanish references (Keller’s Den, page 59, 128, 148, 215, 216, 217, 239 – Duma Key, page 352, 509, 510, 516, 525, 569).


257.Both novels reference Atlanta (Keller’s Den, page 149, – Duma Key, pages 210, 354, 357, 426, 536, 552, 555, 602).


258.Both novels reference an incident when it is hard to see out of a windshield (Keller’s Den, page 232 -- Duma Key, page 508).


259. In Keller’s Den, Janet was asleep with Martin and couldn’t hear thunder (pages 47, 50). In Duma Key, Pam was asleep with Edgar and couldn’t hear the croaking voice (page 28).


260.Both novels refer to characters who pack a gun (Keller’s Den, pages 57, 61, 71 – Duma Key, pages 161, 163, 164, 165, 226, 229, 249, 489, 518, 522, 549).


261. In the last sentence (before Epilogue) in Keller’s Den, the main character notices a wisp of air (Keller’s Den, page 252). In the second to last sentence in Duma Key, the main character notices a puff of air (page 607)


262. In both novels, each ex-wife was messing with a business associate (Keller’s Den (attorney) page 54 – Duma Key (accountant), pages 111, 115, 155, 303).


263. There was a moon mentioned as viewed from each house (Keller’s Den, page 245 – Duma Key, page 113, 369, 592, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598). Moonlight is significant in Keller’s Den (pages 5, 6, 180, 190, 221, 238, 239, 245, 249, 252), and is mentioned frequently in Duma Key (pages 113, 369, 430, 442, 445, 567, 587).


264.Both novels mention fighting pirates (Keller’s Den, page 227 – Duma Key, page 116).


265. For cleaning, rinsing and aiding in transferring colors, Martin in Keller’s Den used Mineral Spirit (page 11), while Edgar in Duma Key used Zephyr Hills (page 107).


266.Both novels contained prominent characters who coughed a lot (Joe Keller in Keller’s Den, pages 134,135, 138, 142, 143 – Elizabeth in Duma Key, pages 141, 181)


267.Both had liquor cabinets but seldom drank hard liquor (Keller’s Den, pages 86, 181 – Duma Key, page 153).


268.Both main characters drink beer (Keller’s Den, page 212 -- Duma Key, page 17, 238, 282, 283, 295).


269.Both novels refer to wine coolers (Keller’s Den, pages 15, 17 – Duma Key, page 233, 605).


270.Both novels reference someone having children someday (Keller’s Den, pages 16, 89 – Duma Key, page 235).


271.Both novels reference a cloud of blood (Keller’s Den, page 114 – Duma Key, page 547).


272.Glass doors were depicted in both novels (Keller’s Den, Martin’s work place, page 148, Janet’s apartment, page 16 – Duma Key, Edgars place, page 153).


273.A piece of paper is drawn to determine death in Keller’s Den (page 6). A piece of fruit is picked to determine death in Duma Key (227).


274.Both main characters listen to musicians or news on the radio (Keller’s Den, news - pages 147, 243, Richard Marx, page 184 – Duma Key, Styx, page 179, Nazareth, page 220, Allman Brothers, Molly Hatchet, Foghat, page 276, Axl Rose, page 278, Shark Puppy, page 313, The Who, page 342, Copperhead Road, page 343, Billy Ray Cyrus, 504).


275.Both novels mention a local DJ while listening to the radio (Keller’s Den - Hot Rod Reynolds, page 243 – Duma Key, J.J. Cale, page 276).


276.Both novels reference ancient weaponry. Keller’s Den referenced the Civil War and old rifle (pages 28, 30, 31, 143), while Duma Key referenced the Revolutionary War and old rifle (page 204) and an old spear pistol (page 431).


277. Telepathic inference takes place in both novels – In Keller’s Den, Joe uses telepathic power and taps into Martin’s thoughts during episodes of ancestral influence and knows what Martin is doing or painting (chapters 4, 29, pages 140, 142, 144). In Duma Key, Jerome Wireman uses telepathic powers (pages, 164, 197, 205). On some of his paintings or sketches, Edgar Freeman uses telepathic powers that can affect people (pages 227, 282, 289, 291, 299, 300, 422). Mrs. Eastlake asks Edgar “have you painted the ship yet?” without any way of knowing (page 361). Edgar had already painted a ship at that point. Mrs. Eastlake also says “put it next to the one you’ve already started,” without having known Edgar started one (page 390). In Duma Key, empathy got raised to telepathy (page 401). Without knowing or seeing, Edgar paints the same ship and other pictures that Elizabeth drew or painted (pages 429, 430, 552).


278. In Keller’s Den, Mrs. Baxter made cookies (pages 73, 87) A reference is made that Mrs. Baxter may be spreading her insanity through her cookies (page 91). In Duma Key, Mrs. Eastlake has cookery books (page 116), has a cookie tin (pages 136, 200), and Pam is eating a cookie (page 105). There is also a reference to Girl Scout cookies (page 26). There is a cookie in one of Edgar’s paintings (page 203). Another character asks for a cookie (page 185). Edgar sometimes refers to his daughter as cookie (page 579, 597, 602).


279. In Keller’s Den, due to an important event that happened in the Preamble which involves human sacrifice through fire, one re-occurring phenomenon that controls Martin’s thoughts involve fire, burning or charring flesh (pages 41, 51, 136, 164, 167, 170, 171, 172, 182, 183, 210, page 252). In Duma Key, Edgars’ mind drifts to thought of “the Burn, the Char” (page 203, 280, 324). Edgar’s arm seems to burn (page 214, 557) or his fingers (page 425).


280. Female characters from each novel use a rocking chair (Keller’s Den - Joe Keller, pages 24, 132, 133, Mrs. Baxter, page 92 – Duma Key - Pam, page 205).


281. Elevators are used in both novels (Keller’s Den, pages 148, 149, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 184 – Duma Key, page 404).


282. Female characters in each novel snore (Keller’s Den, page 46 -- Duma Key, pages, 204, 206, 246, 247, 249, 288).


283. Europe is referenced in both novels (Keller’s Den, page 16 and on back jacket – Duma Key, page 210, 330, 525)


284. Yard work is referenced in each novel (Keller’s Den, pages 78, 82, 83, 87, 88, 91, 93, 94 – Duma Key, page 211).


285. In Keller’s Den the main character went to college in Massachusetts (page 48). In Duma Key, the main character’s daughter went to college in Rhode Island (page 478, 481).


286.Both novels reference candles (Keller’s Den, pages 41, 75, 252 – Duma Key, page 450).

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